Please contact the school for information regarding the
registration of your child(ren).
For Kindergarten, the child must be 5 years of age on or before September 30th.
For Grade 1, the child must be 6 years of age on or before September 30th.
To register your child:
Please call Annette Couto to make an appointment for
registration; telephone: 514-694-7808.
The following documents will be required:
Child's Original Long Form Birth Certificate (contains parents’ names)
Parent eligibility certificate (or older sibling)
Parent’s birth certificate or passport or Canadian citizenship
Proof of residency (driver’s license or any government document)
Child's vaccination booklet
Child's Medicare Card
For more information regarding the above, you may contact our school office at 514-694-7808, or the School Board Admissions Office at 514-422-3022.
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