
Please contact the school for information regarding the registration of your child(ren).

For Kindergarten, the child must be 5 years of age on or before September 30th.

For Grade 1, the child must be 6 years of age on or before September 30th.


To register your child:

Please call Annette Couto to make an appointment for registration; telephone: 514-694-7808.

The following documents will be required:

  • Child's Original Long Form Birth Certificate (contains parents’ names)

  • Parent eligibility certificate (or older sibling)

  • Parent’s birth certificate or passport or Canadian citizenship

  • Proof of residency (driver’s license or any government document)

  • Child's vaccination booklet

  • Child's Medicare Card

For more information regarding the above, you may contact our school office at 514-694-7808, or the School Board Admissions Office at 514-422-3022.

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18750 Elkas Boulevard
Kirkland, Québec  H9J 4C1